Hey, I'm Kyle. It's nice to meet you. I see how you somehow managed to make it to this site. Lucky you. I like to write. If I knew what the word love meant, I would love it. I like how as you type, your brain imagines up the story. I have two awesome brothers and two lovely sisters. And, Of course, my ever-caring mother, and my pyrotechnic, ghetto-rigging father. And a horribly named dog, pixie. Enjoy your trip into my head just watch your step over the root canal.
Elder Kyle Braden Jacobson Argentina Resistencia Mission Avenida Rivadavia 323 H3500AKE Resistencia Chaco Argentina
Letters to the Mission
After September 22ish
POUCH SERVICE: (do it through dearelder.com) Only postcards and letters that are single sheet, folded into three-panels, and taped at the top only (no envelopes), may be sent through the pouch. (Dearelder.com will do it for you.)
Elder Kyle Braden Jacobson Argentina Resistencia Mission POB 30150 Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150 USA
Awesome! Armadillo isn't something you would choose to eat :)