Saturday, November 14, 2009

¡Bien No mas!

Hola Familia! como estan todo?

Bree and Kevin. A very happy birthday to you both! So this has been a great week since last monday. We met a man and his family, Jorge Amarrilla, through a Referral that we had through the branch president and his wife. We watched "the restauration" video with them and commited them to read and to pray (Jorge and his wife Yanina). They said they would. The next day we ran into him in the street while he was doing his daily vending of cleaning supplies. He had a smile on his face and when we started talking to him, we asked him how the reading went. "Great!" he replied (except it was in Castellano) "Did you pray?" we asked. "Yeah/si" "How did you feel?" "For the first time in my life, I have felt the tranquility that I have been looking for!" (enhanced for dramatic effect real answer: "very Tranquil, at peace") "Do you feel it is an answer?" "Yes" Woo Hoo! The next night, we taught him the first lesson and commited him to baptism, the 31st of October! His wife still has doubts and didnt accept the date, but we´re still working on her. :). We also started teaching the family shultz, they have heard the lessons before but they moved, and now there back and here to be baptized, so we gave them both fecha bautismos (baptismal dates) for the 31st also. They just have to go to church 3 times, stop drinking and enter the waters. Juan and Valeria are still wating on the papers of Juans birth from Paraguay, we think they got lost in the mail... They want to be baptised so bad, but they only need to get married first, and they need those papers. Juan may have to drive up to paraguay and get them, we´re worried that if we have them mail it again, the same thing might happen.

Wasn´t conference just AMAZING! Sheesh, after that, there is no way that I can´t strive to be better. I was extremely touched by the talk of Elder Scott and Elder Holland, they really helped me to get pumped and try harder to be better. In case you are wondering, the gringo missionaries get to watch conference in English! Woo Hoo!

So I want to try and give you a glimpse of Formosa, We live in the outskirts of the main city of Formosa, where I am now, called Centro. Its a humble place with a Ton of Viscous dogs that are going to one day Kill Me.... My Comp loves to run, when your run past dogs, they think you are an enemy or a large piece of meat, I cant decide. The stores in our area are just houses of the owners. Dirt roads and the sewer runs in front of peoples houses in what looks like an irrigation ditch. When the sun sets it creates a beautiful sillhouette with the small houses, with a beautiful red,orange, and yellow back drop. Just gorgeous. I hope to capture this on film so that you can see, it wont be the same though. Sorry. :) The most common word here is "Tranquilo" or Tranquil. This describes their culture, they sit with their wives and husbands and drink mate in front of their houses (not a problem for us, its great for contacting) When there is a fence around their house, we clap instead of knock. Its pretty cool.

It has been a bit of a roller coaster here, Ups and Downs, but I am working and I wont give up. I am growing to have a deep love for these people already, the members are just amazing. Always willing to accompany us to an appointment. Always willing to cook us lunch. They are just amazing. I have also learned a ton already about huimility and hope to grow so much more.

Today is our P'day, monday. We write home, eat, buy groceries, and play some futbol, of course. The natives are rediculously good. And boy do they kick hard.

Hey Dad, could you send me a pic of the family (the one we took the day before the MTC in our back yard) There is a guy here that will engrave it into in a set of scripture covers. I think that is pretty awesome.

I love it here, and I love the gospel, it is everything that I am, and all that I hope to become. I love the prophets, I know this church is True because I have received a witness for my self. If any of you are uncertain, Pray. Doubts? Pray. Prayer is AWESOME!

Mom, Adress for Packages:Mission Resistencia, Argentina

323 Rivadavia

Resistencia, Chaco

3500 Argentina


I love you all so much! Have an amazing week!

Your son and brother,

Elder Kyle B. Jacobson

¡Hurrah for Israel!

P.s. The natives here say I have a better Accent than my companion, and he has been here for 23 months, I think things like that aren´t too helpful for my humility. :) Lots of Love. Chau

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