Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soy un Hijo de Dios 10-12-2009

Hola Familia!!

I miss you all so much! However, I am involved in a great work and cannot come home, sorry. This week has been a lot of hard work. Sooooo Great! We started out the week with Exchanges, I went to Lujan (a neighboring area) with Elder Guerra, From Chile, while My companion went with Elder Villaroel in our area. We started out the morning Clapping houses and finding some great people to teach, we then cooked some pasta for lunch, Very delicous. Elder Guerra is awesome, we spent the rest of the day teaching, he taught me a ton of new teaching skills and examples that are really going to help me share this message with more power and clarity. I have come to realize that I know spanish pretty well, but my teaching is all over the place. Elder Tucker has been helping me return to the basics and create a foundation first. That has been helping a ton.

Elder Tucker is awesome, he has been helping me a ton. He is a little too relaxed with the rules for my taste. He had scheduled a FHE appointment at 8:30, when we are supposed to be in our appartment at 9:30. To make a long story short, we got home at 10:00. I felt really bad, and I took it a little to hard. I had a talk with the Zone leader, and he helped me a ton. He said that as long as I am doing everything I can to follow the rules then it is ok. I am just trying to do everything I can to be the best I can. Transfers are on the 5th of November, thats when Elder Tucker leaves for home and I get a new companion who I am going to introduce to the area. Im a little nervous but I know with Gods help I can do it.

We had a really cool experience this week with an old man, Francisco Romero, he is a Testigo de Jehova (Jehovas witness), We found him as we were clapping houses, we taught him the first lesson and gave him a pamphlet to read about the Restauration and to pray about it. Later that week we had an appointment fall through so we decided to pay him a visit and see how things were going, he had read the whole pamphlet and basically recited the whole thing to us. We werent expecting much from that visit. He understood everything and already has a testimony! We taught him about the book of mormon, as we were about to give him one, he told us that he already had one that he found in a trash can one day..... uh.... Awesome. He brought it to us. He said he had read some of it. He then related us of a point in his life when he was completely blind. He had an operation and regained sight in one eye. We told him that this was so that he would be able to read the Book of Mormon. We have another appointment with him this tuesday.

So Remember about jorge Amarilla. Well he has a huge problem with alcohol, this past week we taught him about the word of wisdom, he promised to stop, he was commited. He attended church this past sunday with us and was thrilled about it, he loved it. He was progressing so well. We went to his house that very night to teach him and his family about the plan of salvation. When we got there he was acting a little strange. I suspected but wasnt sure if he had been drinking again. He helped me remove that doubt when he brought out a large bottle of alcohol to refresh himself while we taught him. We started with a prayer and then moved quickly to what was up. We testified, promised blessings, taught with power, comforted him, supported him. After this, he took his bottle of alcohol and emptied it onto the ground right in front of us. He then began to sob. That broke my heart, a strong, grown man not able to resist a beverage. Alcohol is HORRIBLE, I hate it with all that I am, it is ruining his life and many many others. In these past few weeks I have seen the results up close and personal due to Alcohol. We are praying for him always and we are going to visit him everyday to comfort him and give him support. If he is going to get over this, he needs to read from the book of mormon every day and more when he has the desire to drink. He needs to pray and fast.

The Family shultz who have baptismal dates have been falling through on every appointment we have had with them. They promised to come to church this sunday, we even had a member family pass by their house this morning and they reminded them about church and said they promised to come. They didnt. We are praying for them.

We found a lady about 28 or so named maricela, reminds me a lot of maryanne, we have been teaching her and she has been really great. We commited her to baptism on the 14th of November. Its a little difficult for my companion because we have had to push the baptismal dates of our investigators back, so he wont be here for most of them. The requisite is they have to attent church 3 times and pass the interview. We still have hope for Jorge and even for his wife Yanina. She still has doubts about the gospel, we talked with her last night. She could have a testimony if she would just take a step of faith and read the book of mormon and pray about it.

Our other investigator with a baptismal date is the son of a member, named Gabriel, he is about 14 years old, he has a problem with smoking. We are afraid that his mom is forcing him to be baptized, she is crazy. We are worried about that, we are just hoping that he can come to know of the truth even though he is being "forced". We are not going to baptize anyone without a testimony.

At times I sometimes feel like Im drowning, however I am taking the council of D&C 88:126, I am praying always that I may not faint. I am looking towards the future and there are many amazing experiences awaiting me ahead.

Sorry about the lack of pictures, I just havent had many opportunities for picture taking. However, I dont worry too much about that, Im not here to take pictures.

Se que este Evangelio es el evangelio de Jesucristo. Se que mediante El Libro de Mormon tenemos todas las respuestas que necessitamos. si tenemos un desafio o difficultad podemos tener la fuerza necessitamos para superar cualquier cosa. Se que mediante Jose Smith tenemos este gran bendicion en nuestros vidas. He visto las vidas de muchas personas cambia mediante el Evangelio. Tengo un testimonio de estas cosas mediante El Espiritu Santo por mi mismo, Todos de nosotros podemos tener este testimonio si preguntamos a Dios. El va a contestarnos. Digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.

I know this church is true. I do.

I love you all so much,

Your son and brother,

Elder Kyle Braden Jacobson

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